A catalog: WORDFLESH, Anna Huxel
How does the word turn into flesh?
How does the word turn into flesh?
Anna Huxel studied at the ABK Stuttgart, Germany.
She paints contemporary art.
She paints contemporary art.

I designed the portfolio of the artist Anna Huxel, WORDFLESH. It is my first published editorial design. Most of Huxel's pictures are around 200 x 200 cm, and she paints with vivid colors. To express the power of her work on the A4 format was challenging. Thus, I let a few images go over the paper edge and the middle of the book.
Artist: Anna Huxel
Layout: Bjørg Elttør
Publisher: epubli
Website: https://kunstaspekte.art/person/anna-huxel
Artist: Anna Huxel
Layout: Bjørg Elttør
Publisher: epubli
Website: https://kunstaspekte.art/person/anna-huxel
Directed by: Bjørg Elttør
Actors: Anna Huxel, Sabeth Horn
Directed by: Bjørg Elttør
Actors: Anna Huxel, Sabeth Horn
All depictions © Anna Huxel
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021